Hudson Thomas: Five & Six Month Time Capsules (oops!)

October 09, 2017-4 Well, here we are buddy.  I promised I wouldn't do any more combo posts, but I hope you'll forgive me for just one more.  These past two months were a doozie!!


Hudson's Five Month Time Capsule:

-Your fifth month was spent anxiously waiting for our new home to be finished.  That apartment was TIGHT QUARTERS.  I didn't take many photos in there because it was dark and small, but I'll always remember the girls trying to make you laugh and smile whenever they could!

August 28, 2017

-You went to your very first Virginia Tech Football game with some of Mommy's best college friends and their families.  It was SO fun!September 09, 2017-5September 09, 2017IMG_4024 2IMG_4076

-This month your laugh and smile was a much needed distraction from the craziness of our move (and your sisters' fighting!!)IMG_4108

-A few days after you turned five months, we closed on our house!!  It was such a special day!

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Sixth Month Time Capsule:

October 26, 2017October 26, 2017-3October 26, 2017-4October 26, 2017-5October 26, 2017-6

-Your six month pictures were cute and also kind of sad with those big tears and bottom lip sticking out.  Kind of the story of your life right now though buddy!  Love you!

-On our first day in our new home, we brought you all inside and the girls ran around like crazy people and you just watched them from your car seat, taking it all in.  We slept on air mattresses (you in your swing of course!) and had pop tarts for breakfast!


-This month, your sisters still get the biggest smiles from you.IMG_4217IMG_4221IMG_4246

-Your newest trick is putting your toes right into your mouth as soon as they are free of your footie pj's or socks.IMG_4286

-Oh hey, look!  Your very own room!!!  This month you started sleeping through the night in your crib.  Naps on the other hand...IMG_4287

-...are still in the swing.  You don't like naps too much.  Why not???  What's not to love?

October 09, 2017-2

-Hudson is not quite sitting up yet.  Maybe next month will be the big month!!  He has to get some practice first...his favorite thing is to be held by mommy or in the carrier!IMG_4327

-You went on your first hayride to the pumpkin patch.IMG_4344

-Hudson got his first two teeth on the bottom this month and his hair is starting to come in a little more.IMG_4388

-Hudson really does love his exersaucer despite what this picture looks like ;-)  He's gotten so tall already that it's time to move it up a the matter of a week or two!!IMG_4405

The last two months have been crazy, but fun and we are so glad that you are in our lives little man.  Thanks for all the snuggles.  We are looking forward to (hopefully) things slowing down a little bit more and getting settled into our new place.

Love you sweet boy!