Hudson Thomas: Four Month Time Capsule
Our little buddy is four months old and I think it is safe to say that I am pretty enamored with him!
Here's what's new (and not!) for Hudson this month:
- Hudson weighed in at 13lb 11oz and was 25.75" long at the doctor for his four month check up. That put him between 10-25% for weight and 75% for height. Long and lean!
This month was a little bit more of the same as the last....still rolling over, but now that he has that trick down pat, he doesn't do it EVERY SINGLE TIME you lay him down like he used to!
- H-man still has the sweetest smile (a little sideways smile with a dimple!) and an adorable laugh.
- Our little Huddy Buddy started "talking" to us and is quite the gabber once he starts going.
- Another new skill this month is that Hudson loves to reach out and grab objects. He will hold on to toys and bring them to his mouth so he can slobber all over them. (He is quite the drooler!) He grasps our fingers and holds our hands so sweetly!
- Hudson can't quite decide whether or not he wants to suck his thumb. He will sometimes suck his thumb with all of his fingers up in his face, but he doesn't do it for very long. I've been waiting to see if he would follow in Lila's footsteps with this....Time will tell!
- He started using the Bumbo seat this month and does really well sitting up in it!
- We have noticed that Hudson really hates to miss out on all the action. He doesn't love the Ergo because he can't see everyone and will crane his neck around trying to catch a glimpse of all he's missing out on and fuss until I take him out. We are borrowing the Ergo 360 from a friend to see if that helps a little. Even if he is SUPER sleepy, he will fight a nap if there are a lot of people around. He'll seem happy as a clam, but his little eyes will be droopy and then when it's too late, it's WAY TOO LATE and he's a hot overtired mess.
- His sleep is alllll over the place. Most nights, we still rely on the trusty swing to help Hudson fall asleep and we recently purchased the Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit to help him STAY asleep throughout the night since he has a crazy big startle reflex still. The suit has helped him sleep with fewer night wakings, so that's great! Now if only we could master daytime naps!!! We will tackle that beast when we move to the new house.
- Speaking of the new house, we have entered the 'finishing' stages. Drywall has been hung, trim has been put into place, and the cabinets are up! We have our final walkthrough on 9/22 and are set to close on 9/28, just after Hudson turns 5 months old. He is still sharing our bedroom so he will get to 'graduate' to his own room then! (woohoooo!!!) There are lots of little boys in the neighborhood for him (and the girls) to play with and we can't wait to get settled in.
We love you to the moon and back Hudson Thomas!!