Hello, World!

Four weeks ago today, my husband and I joyfully welcomed the arrival of our third little girl, Lila Faith, on March 23rd, 2015.  She was a little peanut at 5lb 14oz and is so laid back and sweet.  Charlotte is enjoying being a big sister (she wasn't so sure about it at first!) and loves 'comforting' her little sis every time she cries by loudly proclaiming, "IT'S OK, LILA!  IT'S OK!!!"  ;-)  

If you keep up with my personal blog, you'll know that this was a loooong pregnancy and we are so very thankful that Lila arrived healthy and strong.  My doctors advised me to go on a light bed rest way back in December which meant that I had to stop taking sessions at that point.  Thank God for my 365 Glorious Ordinary Project for keeping my creative juices flowing because I would have gone crazy if I couldn't pick up my camera for that long!!  Needless to say though, I am absolutely CHOMPING AT THE BIT to start taking sessions again after my maternity leave ends at the end of May/early June.  I have missed being able to capture those little magical moments for others and am excited to create some beautiful artwork for families very soon.  I have a few available dates left so please get in touch if you are interested in a session before I book up!  

You can read more of Lila's birth story here if you are interested!  I'll leave you with some photographs of what my world has looked like in the past couple of weeks!  :-)  

Hope to hear from you soon!

Even little bitty babies have squishy rolls...you just have to look harder for them ;-)