The Glorious Ordinary Project

Recently, on my personal blog, I shared a video about motherhood that I think every mom should watch.  In it, the words of Lisa-Jo Baker's poem "Here's to the Mothers" soared right into my heart.  


"But in the everydayness of these moments you start to feel it...

the weight of glory, the glorious ordinary

and on your quietest, least interesting days

you get better at hearing the music of motherhood...

There is no part of your everyday wash and rinse and repeat routine that isn't significant

You make the music, that makes the life, that gives the rhythm to the day in and out and again...

You are braver than you know

because, you mother."

It gave me the idea for a personal photography project that I wanted to extend to everyone.  I'm calling it the Glorious Ordinary Project.  The goal is to capture those quiet (or not so quiet!) moments that are ordinary parts of being a parent, but hold so much beauty in their imperfection and simple grace.  Raising a child is a privilege and a journey.  It should be documented and remembered.  Every glorious, ordinary moment of it.

This picture of Charlotte is my first #GloriousOrdinary photograph.  She has a bruise on her forehead and breakfast on her chin.  Nothing totally extraordinary about the moment, but I could feel those little 'moments of glory' filling my heart when I looked at those eyelashes and cheeks as she busied herself with her toys.

Will you join me in our Facebook group?

Don't forget to use the hashtag #GloriousOrdinary when you post!  

Can't wait to see your special moments.  Please share this with your friends and fellow photography lovers.  

